​Nordstrom Family Dental

"Putting Your Dental Needs First With a Gentle Touch."​
1001 E USA Circle Suite B, Wasilla, AK 99654

(907) 357-6800 Main
(907) 357-6878    Fax

Founded in 2008, Nordstrom Family Dental has been servicing people's dental needs in the Mat-Su Valley and throughout Alaska.  We believe in putting your dental needs first in a warm and friendly environment.
Find Us
Participating with Delta Dental, Premera Blue Cross, Denali Kid Care
Member of the Alaska Dental Society and American Dental Association 
Delta Dental Insurance Provider
Cigna Insurance Provider
Pediatric Family Dentistry
1001 E USA Circle Suite B
Wasilla, AK 99654
Next to Valley Orthodontics 
(907) 357-6800 Main
(907) 357-6878 Fax
Our Practice
Moda Health Insurance Provider
Dr. Nordstrom was born and raised in Missoula, Montana.  He grew up with the influence of dentistry from his  father, the late Donald Nordstrom, who specialized in pediatric dentistry.
Professional, Knowledgeable Staff 
Nitrous Sedation 
Gentle Ultrasonic Cleanings
Hans P. Nordstrom DDS 
Mandy Johnson RDH
​Olga Berezyuk RDH
Military Discount Dentist
Mat-Su Valley Family Dentistry
Nordstrom Family Dentistry
Nordstrom Family Dentistry

Families Welcome

About Us
Dr. Nordstrom Family Dentistry

​​New Patients Welcome

We will take reasonable steps to provide free-of-charge language assistance services to people who speak languages we are likely to hear in our practice and who don’t speak English well enough to talk to us about the dental care we are providing.
Blue Cross Dental Provider